Digital Nomads, Do you want to work from Spain anywhere in the world?

nómadas digitales

Without a doubt, by now, you have already heard about “Digital Nomads” and you fantasize about teleworking anywhere in the world from the varied and different places that the Spanish landscape offers. At García-Arquimbau Abogados we can help you obtain your International Teleworking Visa or Residence permit. What is a Digital Nomad? According to the definition given by Law 14/2013, of September 27, on support for entrepreneurs and their internationalization, this is a person, a national of a third State (non-member of the European Union), authorized to remain in Spain to carry out a work or professional activity remotely for companies located outside the national territory, through the exclusive use of computer, telematics and telecommunications means and systems. What are the main requirements you must meet to apply for a digital nomad visa? GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR VISAS AND RESIDENCE PERMITS FOR DIGITAL NOMADS: What aspects must be proven when applying? What family members can accompany the main applicant? The spouse or person with a similar emotional relationship, the minor or adult children who, depending financially on the holder, have not constituted a family unit by themselves, and the dependent ascendants, who join him or accompany him. Both the authorization and the visa for these family members may be requested jointly and simultaneously or successively. What procedure must you follow to apply for this type of residence? We must distinguish two cases: Are you thinking about teleworking from Spain? Contact us! We will resolve your doubts, assist you, and manage your file from the beginning to obtain your Foreigner Identity Card.

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